


This class groups all the services related to CNC built-in variable system.

QUERCUS/8070 CNC has a built-in variable system to get data related to cnc operation, tables, parameters, etc.

Cnc variables are well documented in installation and variable manuals distrubuted FAGOR HQ.






constructor(_hmiComm: CommHmiNodeServer, cncKernelType: enums.CncKernelType, route: string, cncNodeIndex: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
_hmiComm CommHmiNodeServer No
cncKernelType enums.CncKernelType No
route string No
cncNodeIndex number No


Async read
read(varName: string | string[], cncNodeIndex: number)

Read cnc system variable and returns it.

Returns a ServiceResponse promise. This promise is fulfilled with returnCode = 0 if everything is ok and data = Variable object or an array of Variable objects, or returnCode = -1 when something goes wrong.

Variable may contain a raw value that cannot be converted, for example, the number of channels in the system or may have a positionment value convertible to mm or inches.

//Positionment variables are complex, and can be converted to human-readable formats using {@link Variable} class' methods.'V.A.PPOS.X').then(response => {
if (response.returnCode === 0) {
console.log(`Internal value ${} decimicra - External value ${} mm`);
else {
console.error('error reading cnc variable', error);
//output --> Internal value 4440000 decimicra - External value 444 mm['V.A.PPOS.X', 'V.A.PPOS.Y']).then(response => {
if (response.returnCode === 0) { => {
console.log(`Internal value ${variable.value} decimicra - External value ${variable.external} mm`);
else {
console.error('error reading cnc variable', error);

//output -> Internal value 461994 decimicra - External value 46.1994 mm
//output -> Internal value 0 decimicra - External value 0 mm

TODO: Document fsys internal return codes.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
varName string | string[] No

variable name to get value.

cncNodeIndex number No 0
Public Async readLegacyVariable
readLegacyVariable(varName: string | string[], cncNodeIndex: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value
varName string | string[] No
cncNodeIndex number No 0
Async write
write(varName: string | string[], varValue: | (string | number)[], cncNodeIndex: number)

Writes variable value

Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong.

return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.

cnc.variables.write('V.PLC.R[1]', 15).then((response => {
if(response.returnCode < 0){
console.error('error in writing process', response.returnCode)
console.log('V.PLC.R[1] register have been updated properly.');
}).catch(error => {
console.error('unexpected excpetion writing variable', error)}

//Output --> V.PLC.R1 register have been updated properly.

TODO: Document fsys internal return codes.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
varName string | string[] No

variable name to write value.

varValue | (string | number)[] No

variable value to write.

cncNodeIndex number No 0

results matching ""

    No results matching ""