








constructor(generalRaw: any, cncKernelType: enums.CncKernelType)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
generalRaw any No
cncKernelType enums.CncKernelType No


Public cncNodeIndex
Type : number
Default value : 0
Decorators :
Public cncPaths
Type : any
Default value : {}

Configured paths of current cnc

Public cncType
Type : string
Default value : ""
Decorators :


Public naxis
Type : Variable
Default value : <Variable>{}
Decorators :

naxis. total axes number with empty positions of the yielded axes

Public nchannel
Type : Variable
Default value : <Variable>{}
Decorators :

nchannel. number of channels

Public nspindle
Type : Variable
Default value : <Variable>{}
Decorators :

nspindle. number of spindles

Public simuspeed
Type : Variable
Default value : <Variable>{}
Decorators :

simuspeed. Percentage of simulation speed (between 0% and 100%).


Public Async getCncId

Get cnc identification

Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong.

return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.

Public getCNCMessageSnapshot

Gets the current cnc message list

Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong.

return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.

Public getCncPaths

Method that returns all configured cnc paths.

Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong.

return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.

Public getCncType

Get cnc type

Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong.

return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.

Public Async getCncVersion

Get cnc version

Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong.

return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.

Public getErrorInfo
getErrorInfo(cncKernelType: number, errorPosition: number, language: string)

get error info It calls to CommHmiNodeServer to call appropiate REST API route.

Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong.

return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
cncKernelType number No


errorPosition number No

number of the error which info must be retrieved

language string No

language in which the info must be retrieved

Public getErrorSnapshot

Gets the current error/warning list

Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong.

return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.

Public getKernelMessage
getKernelMessage(messageID: number, language: string)

get kernel message text It calls to CommHmiNodeServer to call appropiate REST API route.

Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong.

return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
messageID number No

ID of the message whose text is to be retrieved

language string No

language in which the text must be retrieved

Public getKernelMessageSnapshot

Gets the current kernel message list

Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong.

return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.

Public getPLCMessageSnapshot

Gets the current PLC message list

Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong.

return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.

Public getSwOptions

Get sw options

Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong.

return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.

Public isFCASAllowed

Method that returns if FCAS is allowed or not.

Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong.

return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.

Public popSyntaxCheckErrors
popSyntaxCheckErrors(channel: number, language: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
channel number No
language string No



Returns cnc current version


Returns cnc current identification


Returns cnc software options

results matching ""

    No results matching ""