Properties |
Methods |
Accessors |
constructor(generalRaw: any, cncKernelType: enums.CncKernelType)
Parameters :
Public cncNodeIndex |
Type : number
Default value : 0
Decorators :
Public cncPaths |
Type : any
Default value : {}
Configured paths of current cnc |
Public cncType |
Type : string
Default value : ""
Decorators :
cncType. |
Public naxis |
Type : Variable
Default value : <Variable>{}
Decorators :
naxis. total axes number with empty positions of the yielded axes |
Public nchannel |
Type : Variable
Default value : <Variable>{}
Decorators :
nchannel. number of channels |
Public nspindle |
Type : Variable
Default value : <Variable>{}
Decorators :
nspindle. number of spindles |
Public simuspeed |
Type : Variable
Default value : <Variable>{}
Decorators :
simuspeed. Percentage of simulation speed (between 0% and 100%). |
Public Async getCncId |
Get cnc identification Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong. return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.
Returns :
Public getCNCMessageSnapshot |
Gets the current cnc message list Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong. return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.
Returns :
Public getCncPaths |
Method that returns all configured cnc paths. Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong. return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.
Returns :
Public getCncType |
Get cnc type Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong. return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.
Returns :
Public Async getCncVersion |
Get cnc version Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong. return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.
Returns :
Public getErrorInfo | ||||||||||||||||
getErrorInfo(cncKernelType: number, errorPosition: number, language: string)
get error info It calls to CommHmiNodeServer to call appropiate REST API route. Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong. return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.
Parameters :
Returns :
Public getErrorSnapshot |
Gets the current error/warning list Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong. return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.
Returns :
Public getKernelMessage | ||||||||||||
getKernelMessage(messageID: number, language: string)
get kernel message text It calls to CommHmiNodeServer to call appropiate REST API route. Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong. return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.
Parameters :
Returns :
Public getKernelMessageSnapshot |
Gets the current kernel message list Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong. return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.
Returns :
Public getPLCMessageSnapshot |
Gets the current PLC message list Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong. return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.
Returns :
Public getSwOptions |
Get sw options Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong. return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.
Returns :
Public isFCASAllowed |
Method that returns if FCAS is allowed or not. Returns a promise. This promise is fulfilled with reply object ServiceResponse or is rejected with CncServiceOperationException when something goes wrong. return object will contain the returnCode, if value is 0 everything went well, if not data will have the explanation of the error.
Returns :
Public popSyntaxCheckErrors |
popSyntaxCheckErrors(channel: number, language: string)
Returns :
cncVersion |
Returns cnc current version
Returns :
cncId |
Returns cnc current identification
Returns :
cncSwOptions |
Returns cnc software options
Returns :